Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Two Most Important Aspects of Tennis

If you are going to be any good at tennis there are two major things that you really need to know. Once you have mastered these things you are looking at a much easier time trying to play. However, if you are not playing as well as you should be, going back and taking some lessons in improving your skills as well as technique may be necessary. The primary basis of tennis is to obviously bounce the ball back and forth across the center net, but actually ensuring that the ball goes where you want it to is going to involve some careful consideration to ensure that you are training yourself properly.

The first major thing you need to be aware of is you always need to be ready for the hit. This means you cannot turn around and wave to your best friend or blow your special honey a kiss while you wait for the ball to come to you. You need to focus on the ball and the exact location of the ball in relation to your racquet. If you look away, lose your concentration or just lose the ball then you are not going to have a very good hit. While not all hits need to be overly powerful it is important to ensure that you are making a conscious effort to get it over the net with each and every shot you take.

If you are not prepared to hit the ball either mentally or physically you are not going to play a good game at all. You are going to practically hand the game to your opponent. Ensuring that you are ready for the ball is not as difficult as you may think, but it is very much worth your time to ensure that you are prepped and ready to go. Never waste time looking around at the crowd or trying to adjust your hair or clothes, they can wait – just ensure you focus on the ball.

The second thing that you always need to keep in mind is follow through. If you are unsure about your follow through then you need to ensure that you practice it until you have it down cold. A good effective follow through is a great way to help minimize some of the inexperience that you may have with playing tennis. Of course the professionals are going to have a good follow through, but you can as well if you practice.

Some of the things to keep in mind is the exact manner in which you are holding the racquet. You also need to ensure that you rotate your shoulder correctly. Not only will this help you improve your follow through, it will also reduce your risk of injury and ensure that you are able to have the power that you need in your follow through to put the ball exactly where you want. You should also remember your stance. This is one of the times when your stance will be the most important.

A poorly executed stance will result in a horrible follow through almost each and every time. However, taking the time to finish up your follow through by keeping a good stance will go a very long way to ensure that your game is at top-notch level. Never be afraid to ask for help in your follow through if you need it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What a Basics of Tennis Explained?

Tennis if you have ever stopped to consider what it is can be called a fairly basic sport. Because of this virtually anyone can learn how to play successfully, the hard part is the physical aspect. In terms of how the game is actually played, there are some basic guidelines that will allow you to play successfully without feeling as if you are lost. Even if you are not interested in playing but merely watching, having an idea about what is going on and why will give you a much better understanding of the game overall.

The first thing to know is that tennis involves playing with at least 2 people, sometimes 4 if you are playing doubles and the equipment that is used is a tennis ball, tennis racquet and a tennis court. For each individual player there is also tennis shoes and of course suitable tennis clothes. Otherwise, there is no other equipment that is needed. This makes it a sport that is fairly light to play, unlike football, which has a large amount of heavy equipment that is involved as well.

The tennis court that is used must be a regulation court. This ensures that the overall size and maintenance are all the same so that games are not lost or won based upon the position of a player on a court. The net goes in the center of the court and on each side there is a service line that runs parallel to the net. Further back on the outer edge of the court there is another set of parallel lines with one on each side of the net, this is called the baseline. This is typically where players start playing.

Along the side of the court are lines that mark the outer edges, and these edges are called the alleys. It is important to understand the difference between singles and doubles now. In singles tennis the alley is out of bounds and when a ball hits the alley it is immediately out. However, in doubles tennis the alley is allowed to be used without a penalty. This as you can imagine can cause a much different result in a doubles game than in a singles game.

To actually start the tame once you have at least two players you would need to serve the ball. To serve the ball successfully you would be required to serve the ball into the other player’s side of the court and hit the service box on their side. The service box is a small box on the left hand side of the court for each player. There is a service box on each side and regardless of which player is serving the box must be hit during the initial serve. Obviously, the ball should not just land in the service box, but it must bounce in the service box at least once in order for the serve to be considered good. Otherwise the serve must be repeated.

Once the ball has successfully hit the service box, it is then the aspect of tennis that most people recognize. That is the ball is to be hit back and forth across the tennis court until a player fails to hit the ball back across, or it hits the alley in a singles tennis match. In order to score points you must not hit the ball into the alley and you must always hit the ball when it comes to you. If you fail to hit the ball and your opponent has always hit it then you will not gain a point but they will.

Each time the ball is missed, it will need to be reserved, and for each time it is served the players will take turns serving. This will allow both players to server equally during the game. This is obviously the condensed version, which does not take into account specific scoring or even specific scoring strategies, but it gives you a good basic foundation of exactly how tennis is played successfully.

Monday, September 27, 2010

What is 6 Keys to Success in tennis

As most people readily realize, everything you do in life is directly determined in success by how you approach it. This means if you are willing to approach a situation with an open mind and a bit of self-confidence in yourself, you are going to be much more likely to succeed than someone who approaches with a grudge, attitude or just lack of self-confidence. At the same time if you are trying to learn a new skill you are not going to set out with self-confidence so you need to learn some things to help you readily adjust to the things that you encounter.

These same principals apply to tennis as well. What may seem overly complicated with a bit of patience and self-confidence can become readily manageable. However, if you do not approach the game with some self-confidence you are likely to fail. This is true of anything that you do, even if it is something other than tennis. The final result of your performance is altered based upon your own personal approach and there are several things that you can do to improve your overall approach and ensure that you are having the best experience possible.

Approach the sport with an open mind and embrace it. If you just half attempt the sport then you will increase the chances of getting hurt, decrease your chances of success and wish you had never picked up a tennis racquet. If you approach with a positive mindset, you are going to put yourself in a much better position to be successful, regardless of how long you have been playing. A player who approaches the court in a good mood and with a positive mindset is going to be much more likely to have a good game than someone who is in a bad mood.

Accept that mistakes will happen. Even those players who are professionals make mistakes, which is part of life in general. Accept this fact and take your mistakes as a chance to learn a lesson. If you discover that you are making a mistake in your timing for swinging the racquet, take that as a chance to improve your timing. If you take everything that you do wrong as an opportunity to improve, rather than as a failure you will be able to really improve your overall outlook. To make you feel better, remember that even the best players are going to have days when they play horribly, make mistakes and just do not want to be on the court.

For those who have been playing a lot it is also important to avoid burn out. This can strike any sport, hobby, job, career or activity. If you do nothing but play tennis every waking moment that you are awake, you are going to be running straight into a burn out in no time at all. Rather than do this to yourself ensure that you take a break at times to go shopping, hang out with friends and even just sit around on the couch acting lazy and watching television. This will allow you to come back to the tennis court with a fresh mind and ready to play again. The time that you spend away from the court in these circumstances can be just as valuable as the time you spend on the court.

You should also realize that each player has their own particular style. What works best for your coach may not be what works best for you. While you should take your coaches advice, you need to ensure that you are doing what is comfortable for you. For example, your racquet, shoes and clothing need to be fitted for you and your needs, rather than what your coach can comfortably use. If you take the time to do things your own style, you will be able to really develop your skills. Never just try to completely copy another player, even if it is your coach.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What tennis equipment that are needed in order to play tennis effectively?

Of course there are the basics such as the balls but what are some of the other pieces of equipment that are needed in order to play effectively? Having the necessary tools of the trade is always essential in order to be successful and tennis is no exception. Having the right equipment can mean the difference between being able to play successfully or not being able to play because you do not have something that you need.

The first piece of equipment and what often comes to people’s mind first when they hear the word tennis is the tennis balls. It is important to ensure that you are purchasing the correct tennis balls. If you choose the wrong balls then you could have a huge problem with a lack of performance. However, knowing that balls come in several different types is important information to ensure that have exactly what you need.

Of course a racquet is important as well. Depending upon your exact skill level the type of racquet that you need may vary. If you are just starting to learn tennis expect to need to purchase at least two or three different racquets while you are learning as you move along the various skill levels. This will allow you to move up in skill level as you improve in your overall technique.

A good pair of tennis shoes is also essential. You need something that fits correctly, provides the right support for your foot, has plenty of lateral support built in and is designed to last. Simply walking into a store and buying the first pair of tennis shoes that you see will almost always result in a bad fit. You need to be prepared to spend some time really looking around to find the best shoes for your needs. If you are having difficulty selecting the right shoes talk to a professional at the store to get some advice based upon your needs and foot type.

Tennis bags are also essential. This will allow you to carefully store all of your things into a single bag. Going to practice is not like you are going on a miniature vacation so you do not need to take along numerous little suitcases. Instead you can take along a single tennis bag that holds all of your necessary equipment.

Other things that are nice to have include small towels, wristbands, a headband and even a hat or visor to help keep the sun out of your eyes. These things combined with some good sunscreen will work to ensure that you are comfortable out on the court and off the court. If you do not have everything that you need then you can generally pick them up at virtually any sports store that is available. Never try to use equipment that is worn out, broken or that does not suit your needs based upon your skill level. This means if you need to use a power racquet you should not attempt to use a control racquet.

As far as tennis apparel goes, different places have different rules. Some require solid colored outfits while others have no problems with colors and patterns. Check with your local tennis club, instructor or anyone else similar to see exactly what is required for where you plan to play at. This will ensure that you are always appropriately dressed for their needs and requirements.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Ultimate Secrets to Winning Matches? Secret Revealed..

The goal is obviously to win when you are playing tennis, after all who really steps out onto the court with the goal of losing a match? If you are like most typical players you need all the help you can get to win some games because you may find yourself up against a player who seems to cream you the split second you serve the ball and has you feeling as if there is no way possible for you to really stand a chance at winning. Yet a few strategies can help you really ensure that you can win, but they all involve paying attention to your opponent so it will require you to watch your opponent and study how they play.

Your first step is obviously going to be serving the ball successfully. If you cannot serve the ball successfully you are going to start out continuously behind and find the entire process rather frustrating. However, if you are able to serve the ball successfully you will be starting off on a very good footing. If you think that your serve is weak then always practice it continuously until you get the power, speed and accuracy for your serve that you want.

Your next step should be learning how to play from the baseline. This is a strategy that is mostly seen in professional tennis but think about it – if it works for the professionals then it should work for you as well! Ensure that you always hit the ball deep so that you have plenty of time to return to your baseline with each hit, if you are hitting the ball shallow, you are going to be losing precious moments that would give you the upper hand when it is your turn to return the serve.

The next goal that you should have is watching your opponent. Most players tend to have a specific way that they always hit the ball. If you watch and discover what this is, you will be able to start anticipating the movements and actions of your opponent before they even occur. This can be a huge help to you, but it will involve a lot of practice to fine tune this skill. Once you have mastered the skill though, you can expect to see the number of games that you are winning improve.

You also want to ensure that your opponent is hitting as many balls as possible, especially in the beginning. You may be curious about why this matters; after all, if they miss you score a point. Nevertheless, consider if they are managing to hit all of your shots that they are likely running around their end of the court like a mad person. After a little while, this is going to get incredibly tiring. You want your opponent to start getting tired in order to take advantage of them. If they are fully alert and energetic, they are going to be more likely to watch you and how you are playing. If they are tired, they are not going to be as concerned with watching you and instead focus on the ball, or anything else that catches their eye.

Just as you are studying the playing style of your opponent, they are probably studying you. This means you cannot serve the ball the exact same way each time, you cannot return the ball the exact same way each time and you cannot play the same way for all of your games. Someone will be using the same strategy as you and they will tear you up on the court if you do this. Instead, you need to ensure that you are shaking things up at times. Pull out a new serve technique, try to hit the ball shallow when you usually go deep or even just move around the court a bit. This will allow you to really throw your opponent off so that they cannot read you quite as easily as you are trying to read them. Remember, it is a sport and winning is a great feeling.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where to Play Tennis?Please follow....

There are numerous places that are all available to play tennis and most cities have several options that you can explore based upon your individual needs. Finding a suitable place to play is often based upon where you live, how long you have to devote to playing and what type of surface you are looking for in terms of the court. There are grass courts, clay, asphalt and even an indoor wooden court. You need to decide which type you are most interested in before you obviously make a final decision, but having several options available to you will make it much easier to find a good tennis court that you can use.

Local gym – this is a place where you can generally find at least one indoor tennis court. While not all gyms will have an outdoor tennis court you can generally schedule a game or two a week. In addition this is a great place to find a tennis instructor that is able to work with you to improve your technique if you are interested. One of the biggest benefits to using the court at the local gym is there is typically no additional charges to use the court, you just may need to reserve the court in advance for your use.

Country club – many country clubs offer several tennis courts for members. Golf and tennis sometimes go hand in hand and the majority of country clubs will offer several different tennis courts that you can use. One of the biggest advantages is this will allow you to play more often because you have a greater chance of finding an open court. However, the bad news is that you generally will need to pay a membership fee for the country club, which can run as much as several hundreds of dollars a month. Nevertheless, there is some good news, finding a very good and successful instructor at a country club is an almost guarantee.

City parks – many local cities are pushing residents to get into shape and as such they are opening more parks that offer sports facilities for the general public to use. The disadvantage here is that they tend to be very busy and sometimes have limited hours. Additionally, there usually is not a staff available so there is no way to actually reserve the court. You will have to hope when you arrive that it is empty. However, the biggest advantage is that they are almost always free, plus it gives you a great chance to get out and meet new people in the area around you. If you are looking for a tennis instructor it may be a bit difficult since most public tennis courts do not have a place where instructors can post a sign advertising their services.

Tennis clubs – if you are already fairly skilled at playing you may be able to look for a local tennis club in your area. This would allow you to play with other players who all have various skill levels. The benefits are that you can learn from the more advanced players, plus it is a great way to find out about local tournaments. The disadvantage is you may have to pay additional fees each month in order to use the court. You can however usually find a great instructor this way. As you go along you may notice that you need to reserve the court in advance, however most tennis clubs offer more than a single tennis court, which helps to reduce the congestion on the courts.

Finding a good tennis court is quite possible and of course larger cities will have even greater options to find the perfect court for your needs.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Which Tennis Equipment is better – New or Used?

If you are trying to get started in tennis you have no doubt discovered that many of the different pieces of equipment that are necessary are a bit expensive. However, if you are willing to purchase some equipment used you can save a lot of money. The problem becomes determining what you can really purchase used without putting yourself at risk for injury, or even potential frustration. Savings money should never be a greater priority so it is important to follow the advice that is listed here if you are considering buying any used equipment.

Tennis Racquets are a piece of equipment where being new or used generally does not matter. However, while it is ok to choose used from a price perspective without jeopardizing safety it is also important to realize that you need to know exactly what you are looking for in a tennis racquet before you ever buy one used. If you are trying to find a power racquet and end up buying a tweener then you have just wasted your money. However, if you are looking for a racquet and manage to find one that is a level up, such as looking for a power racquet and finding a tweener then you can purchase the higher level racquet and hang onto it for later on. It is still important to use the recommended racquet in the meantime however.

Tennis balls are one of the biggest expenses that people tend to have simply because they need to be replaced so often. Generally speaking it is best to avoid used balls unless you know for sure that they are not pressurized. If you suspect that the ball is a pressureless and it still has a suitable fuzzy felt surface then you may be able to save a few dollars. However, you should check to ensure that they are the right type, remember tennis balls come in Basic, Extra duty and high altitude models.

The tennis bag is another place where you can save some money and buy used. As long as you carefully check the bag you should make out fine picking up a used model. This will allow you to reap some huge financial benefits. Key things to check are the zippers, pockets, the straps and any hardware that the bag includes. You do not want anything that is damaged. Additionally, you need to ensure that the bag is the suitable size. You are not going to save any money at all if it is the wrong size for your needs. You will still ultimately purchase a new bag in the correct size so avoiding this hassle is best.

The final pieces of equipment that you can buy used without problems are the various tennis clothes that you pick out. This is a great way to get a good deal on the tennis clothes that you need. However, while clothing is fair game, shoes are off limits. Never purchase used tennis shoes. You do not know how the other person has worn them; you do not know if they are worn out and the chances of used tennis shoes have less lateral support is quite high. This increases your chances of injury ultimately. Take the money you saved from buying the other equipment used and make sure you put it onto a good pair of tennis shoes that fit you properly.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Why You Should Keep Your Eyes on the Ball

One of the most important things that you will ever hear when you are playing tennis is to keep your eyes on the ball. Games have been lost because a player cannot do this. Yes, it seems virtually impossible to really keep track of that fuzzy yellow ball when it is spinning through the air coming right at you but realize that if you miss you are giving your opponent points. This as well as the risk of danger or getting hurt should be enough motivation to help you really focus on where the ball is at all times. If you lose track of the ball you could find it with your head, rather than your racquet.

In order to really master tennis you are going to have to learn exactly how to track the ball no matter where it is. Do not worry so much about watching your opponent or even scanning the crowd looking for your sweetheart or your parents. They can see you, and you do not need to see them, instead your focus should always remain on the ball. If you have difficulty following the ball there are some things that you can do to help correct this situation, after all you want to improve your overall game strategy and skill level so taking the time to really emphasize your weaknesses through more training will help you overall.

There are numerous video games lately that are teaching skills. Primarily the Nintendo DS offers several eye movement coordination games. This is a time when playing your video games can actually be good! Who knew that playing a game was actually able to be helpful, but it is just one way that you can improve your vision skills. There are also games that are made for the computer, and even drills that you can do with a friend to help you improve your skills. Work on this a bit and you should start seeing that you can track the ball much easier.

Avoid trying to watch the crowd while you are playing. The crowd really does not care that you are playing, honestly they do not. While they are there to watch you play, they are probably doing some things that are rather distracting. Honestly, they do not always mean to be distracting, but they are and if you focus your efforts and energy on watching the audience, you are going to dramatically hinder your game. Instead, it is important to try to tune out exactly what the audience is doing and instead focus on the ball and your opponent. This will help you to ignore anyone who is acting strange in the crowd and also allow you to keep a good steady line of sight with the ball.

Another thing that you need to do is simply practice. You cannot expect to walk out onto the tennis court for your first match and play like a professional. This would honestly be a great occurrence, but the professionals of tennis might be a bit upset. After all those who play tennis well have worked for years to highly develop their skills including watching the ball. You are not going to be able to simply read a book, watch a video or play a video game to walk out and play a perfect game of tennis. You will need to pick up a racquet and go out and actually play in order to gain some highly valuable real life experience.

With a bit of practice and some workout sessions to help train your eyes you will be able to always spot the ball during the game. This will allow you to better focus on where you need to be in order to keep the ball in play. Learning how to watch the ball is not a trivial thing, this can be one of the most effective ways to improve your overall play without having to be a complete power player.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Andy Murray ATP World Ranking: #5

Andy Murray

Born: May 15, 1987
Birth City: Dunblane, Scotland
* Residence: London, England
Height: 6-3(190 cm)
Weight: 185 lbs. (84 kg)
Hand: Right-handed
Age: 23
Pro Debut Year: 2005
ATP World Ranking: #5
* Website:


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tennis Player #3 Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic

* Pronounced: DJO-ko-vich
Born: May 22, 1987
Birth City: Belgrade, Serbia
* Residence: Monte Carlo, Monaco
Height: 6-2(188 cm)
Weight: 176 lbs.(80 kg)
Hand: Right-handed
Age: 23
Pro Debut Year: 2003
ATP World Ranking: #3
* Coach: Marian Vajda
* Website:


Monday, September 13, 2010

Rafael Nadal great world #1 tennis player

Rafael Nadal

Born: June 3, 1986
Birth City: Manacor, Mallorca, Spain
Height: 6-1(185 cm)
Weight: 188 lbs.(85 kg)
Hand: Left-handed
Age: 24
Pro Debut Year: 2001
ATP World Ranking: #1 
* Pronounced: ra-FAY-el nah-DAHL
* Residence: Manacor, Mallorca, Spain
* Coach: Toni Nadal
* Website:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Roger Federer Hot ATP World Ranking #2

Born: August 8, 1981
Birth City: Basel, Switzerland
Residence: Bottmingen, Switzerland
Height: 6-1  -->6'1" (185 cm)
Weight: 187 lbs.(85 kg)
Hand: Right-handed
ATP World Ranking: #2
Age: 29
Pro Debut Year: 1998
* Turned Pro: 1998
* Coach: Paul Annacone
* Website:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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